Conference Theme
"And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God."
Micah 6:8 NIV

"Act Justly"
What does it mean to "act justly" from a Biblical perspective?
We often think of "justice" as something punitive, but in practice, acting justly is about equity. It begins with recognizing that everyone experiencing poverty was created with the same image of God as us, and are deserving of dignity and the opportunity to live the abundant life that Jesus offers.
We desire to engage people experiencing poverty
-- displaced & marginalized people --
in a just manner that honours God and His design and purpose.

"Love Mercy"
Jesus once said, "Go and learn what this means:
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice'."
Mercy is often understood by its narrow meaning of not receiving what you deserve. But in a broader sense, mercy also means showing compassion and kindness.
To what degree do we love mercy?
And how do we show mercy toward people experiencing poverty?
What if being "kind" and being "nice" aren't always the same thing?
What does kindness and compassion really look like when done in the Way of Jesus?

"Walk Humbly"
We all have ideas about how to "act justly" and "love mercy". We all have ideas about how to address issues of poverty, and how to do an act of kindness for someone in need.
But what if there were different kinds and degrees of poverty that call for different responses? What if doing something that helps in one degree of poverty actually hurts people experiencing poverty at a different level? What if there were a better way, a Gospel Way, to engage people experiencing poverty?
Let's commit to approaching our conversations with humility.
Suggested Reading
Prepare for the upcoming Hope Conference, Enjoy a Rich Learning Experience, and be Challenged and Inspired, by these Top Picks.